With well over 40 million views, and hundreds of articles & news stories aired all over the world (featured on SportsCenter, twice!), the #WhatsYourGoal campaign is arguably the most successful advertising campaign in Blackhawks history.
The idea was simple: extend the ‘One Goal’ campaign to connect with the fans on a more personal level. We started by giving a behind-the-scene’s look at the players, and revealed their personal season goals for the first time:
Soon after, #WhatsYourGoal lit up with thousands of posts, tweets, letters and videos. Instead of simply replying or retweeting fan goals, we picked a few unique ones and had the players actually help fans achieve their goals.
The response from the Hawks community — and the hockey community in general — has been incredible. Through #WhatsYourGoal, the Blackhawks have added hundreds of thousands of new followers, a countless number of new fans, and even a few new family members.
2x Emmy Nomination (Single Outstanding Commercial)
Creative Directors: Chris Turner, David Metcalf
Copywriter: Michael Franklin